Where are the Bags?

My husband and I did a quick getaway to the Oceano Dunes Revreational Area just South of Pismo Beach. While gearing up with supplies at the local Vons I asked my husband “where are the bags?”. Thr kind attendant said they were part of San Louis Opisbo (SLO) and that plastic bags where banned. We could purchase a paper bag for 10 cents. I dont know why I was so thrown off by it but the void of plastic bags was weird because I have so accustomed to seeing them but super nice they were gone.


I remember when the ban of plastic bags made state wide headlines.  How dare the government ban such a useful tool for society the pro-business people claimed. They also claimed that tourism would be hurt.

Well after seeing the National Estuarine Habitat that sustains a vast amount of wild life and being a tourist myself, I am glad there is a ban.  There is clear science that plastic bags kill animals after those animals (like sea turtles) mistake the plastic bag for a meal.  One of the most distinct features about the Central Coast is the myriad of creatures and the shear rustic beauty. 

The ban had no impact on me and has a positive effect of sustaining and enhancing the environment.  The kind attendant also helped us purchase a paper bag so we had no problem with our items. We will know next time to bring our reusable bags in SLO and the rest of the places we get our necessities.